An orientation programme for the faculty of PG centers on “Evaluation Process in Autonomous Colleges”

An orientation programme for the faculty of PG centers on “Evaluation Process in Autonomous Colleges”

An orientation programme for the faculty of PG centers on “Evaluation Process in Autonomous Colleges”

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An orientation programme for the faculty of PG centres on “Evaluation process in Autonomous Colleges” on 9.03.2023. by SBRR Mahajana First Grade College (Autonomous), PG- wing Pooja Bagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Centre, Mysuru.

Dr. Balasubrahmaniyan, Professor of Earth Science, Centre for Advanced Studies in Earth Science (Retd.) (Ex. Dean, Faculty of Science & Technology, University of Mysore and Pro VC Pondicherry University were the resource person.

The programme started with the state anthem rendered by the faculty and Dr. Sathish G Chetty introduced the guest and welcomed the gathering. The dignitaries then officially inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp, the Heads and co-coordinators of different departments joined hands. Then, the resource person was felicitated on behalf of PBMMEC, Mysuru.

Dr. Balasubrahmaniyan took over the session and explained various criterion autonomous colleges have to follow. He threw light on the following heads:

  1. Examination handbook to be maintained by the exam section consisting of exam rules and regulations
  2. Understanding programme pattern including credit pattern
  3. Orientation programme to be conducted for students
  4. Introducing mentor mentee system
  5. Organizing more field and industry visits
  6. Introducing job oriented courses
  7. Evaluation system in par with national standards
  8. Detailed explanation on how BOS works both in terms of syllabus and QP patterns and exam criteria
  9. Role of BOE, attendance requirements for exam, appointment of paper setters, paper setting procedures, addressing student’s problems with respect to exams, exam duty by the faculty etc.
  10. Roles and responsibilities of the Controller of Examination
  11. Role of the Head of the department in BOS and BOE
  12. Need for one Department exam co-coordinator (DEC)
  13. LMS to be made by the colleges
  14. PO CO tally sheet (Rubric table mapping) to be maintained by the departments
  15. Performance evaluation for the faculty

The speaker also suggested the following

  1. To link LMS with programme mapping
  2. Check with the list of books prescribed in the syllabus and add the updated versions
  3. To add librarian as a part of BOS
  4. Read and understand the LOCF given by UGC
  5. To introduce Indian Knowledge systems along with the course

The session ended with further discussions and Q&A.

Dr. Bhavana thanked the resource person and the gathering and the programme winded up with the National Anthem.

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