Attended National Seminar – CSSEIP, UoM

Attended National Seminar – CSSEIP, UoM

Attended National Seminar – CSSEIP, UoM

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We are glad to inform that under the guidance of our beloved director Dr.C.K.Renukarya & and initiative of Cdr.Satish, Prof. & Head (Tourism & Hospitality), a team of eight girl students from Tourism and Air travel headed by Mrs.Gunarekha B.S, Asst. Professor attended the National Seminar on “Women Entrepreneurship and Skill Development: Issues, challenges and Opportunities” organized by Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP) University of Mysore (UoM), Mysuru in association with National Commission for Women, New Delhi on 9th and 10th of January 2020.

Dr.Siddaraju V.G, Organizing Secretary, UoM, welcomed the gathering, Smt.Sandya N.S, Entrepreneur & chairman, AWAKE, Mysore Unit inaugurated the event and shared her experience as a women entrepreneur and the problems faced by her in the industry further she advised the gathering to be bold, challenging in taking risk and face the problems which lead to satisfaction in their dream and life. Dr.Chaya Degaonkar, Additional Chief evaluation officer, Karnataka Evaluation Authority, Govt. of Karnataka delivered her key note address highlighting about the theoretical concepts of women entrepreneurship and skill development then she addressed about the major issues, challenges and opportunities in the nation and advised the schemes which are introduced by the Government to solve and achieve success. Presidential remarks were addressed by Prof.R.Shivappa, Registrar, UoM, Mysore. Dr.Dinesha P.T delivered vote of thanks.

Students attended the technical sessions (paper presentation) and learned the basic concepts related to entrepreneurial leadership, Co-Working space in Mysore, promotion of rural entrepreneurship among women through CSIR-CFTRI Free technologies; rural women entrepreneurship through tourism in India, efficacy of women entrepreneurship in India etc. the students had a great experience in attending the seminar. They thanked our department for giving them the opportunity and empowering them.

Participated Students List:

  1. Tejaswini M Shetty
  2. Keerthi M R
  3. Shijina Jose
  4. Ajanya Krishnan
  5. Fathimasafa
  6. TsewangLhamo
  7. Tenzin kunsang
  8. KunchokLhamo

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