Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) – “Session on Career Orientation”

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) – “Session on Career Orientation”
We are glad to inform you that, Department of Tourism & Hospitality in association with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Mysuruorganized a session on “Career Orientation” for Engineering & Post Graduate students on 27th August 2019 between 10.30a.m and 1.00p.m in Tourism Auditorium. Students from GSSS engineering College, NIE College, VidyaVardhaka College, Mahajana PG department and faculty members attended the event.
The objective of the event was to focus on priority areas which would enable the students to get employment opportunities and to play a proactive role in motivating the students towards start-ups.
Under the guidance of our beloved Director Dr.C.K.Renukarya and with the initiative of Cdr.Satish H.N, Head (Tourism & Hospitality) the event was planned and organized successfully.
The event started with Naadageethe, Cdr.Satish H.N Head (Tourism & Hospitality) delivered the welcome address and dignitaries lighted the lamp. Dr.R.Dattakumar, Convener-IIIP, Enhanzed Education Pvt. Ltd highlighted about the theme setting for the event. Then Chief Guests of the event Mr.Bhaskar Kalale, Chairman, CII Mysuru, President & GM-India operations, Theorem inc.,Mr.Vikram Hebbar, GM-HR/IR, JK Tyres& Industries Ltd, Mr.T.Balaskandan, Senior Account quality Manager, Infosys Limited, Ms.Rani, Asst. Director, Employment Exchange, Mysuru were introduced one by one and invited to address the gathering.
Panel session was moderated by Dr.R.Dattakumar, Convenor-IIIP. Question and answer session was really informative for the students. The speakers from the chief guest created awareness to the students to know about the competiveness in getting the job based on efficiency, skill, personality, attitude, creativity and innovative thoughts. They also directed the students to seek employment office to know about the vacancy in various areas related to their qualification. Further they requested the students to focus on both private (MNC) and public sector jobs. The students were advised to bridge the gap between institution and industry for placement status. Closing remarks of the event was delivered by Cdr.Satish H.N, Head (Tourism & Hospitality) and the event ended with our national anthem.
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