Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Emerging Trends in Research

Mahajana PG Centre

Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Emerging Trends in Research

by Mahajana PG Centre
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Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality arranged for a faculty development programme on “Emerging Trends in Research” on 23/8/2019 between 2.00p.m and 4.30p.m in Tourism Auditorium. The aim of the event was to know about research qualification & its prospects and to understand the application of research work.

The chief guest of the day Dr.Manu, Associate Professor, DoS MBA & Dr.VivekBalsi, Associate Professor, DoS MBA, Mahajana PG Centre were introduced and welcomed by Cdr.Satish H.N, Head (Tourism & Hospitality).

Dr.Manu, addressed about the research problem selection, literature review, objective setting, research methodology, data collection methods, data analysis & interpretation, report writing and post doctoral research aspects & issues. Dr.Vivek Balsi stated the significance of application of research based on his own research work which he did for the past seven to eight years. He demonstrated about the salient features on health care drugs prepared with his research work. He advised to create awareness about his product and do such research application which is towards the welfare of the society. Dr.C.K.Renukarya, Director, Mahajana PG Centre directed the researchers to undertake value based research work to address the current issues in the society. Dr. Satish G.Chetty, Associate Professor & H.O.D(MTTM), Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Mgmt. rendered Vote of Thanks.

After the session, interaction with chief guest related to research design, process, application and problems in post research implementation was discussed. The event was hosted by Smt.B.S.Gunarekha, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Mgmt

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