Inauguration and Orientation Program for MBA Freshers 2021-2023 batch

Inauguration and Orientation Program for MBA Freshers 2021-2023 batch
Department of Studies in Business Administration (MBA)
Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Centre, Mysuru
Chief Guest – Mr Harish Machaiah, Ex-Chairman, NIPM Mysuru Chapter.
Sri T Muralidhar Bhagavat, President, Mahajana Education Society.
Dr Vijayalakshmi Muralidhar, Honorable Secretary, Mahajana Education Society.
Dr CK Renukarya, Director, Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Centre, Mysuru.
Dr Buvaneswari P, Professor and Head of the Department, MBA, PBMMEC, Mysuru.
The Department of Studies in Business Administration organized a formal inauguration and orientation program for the MBA freshers’ batch of 2021 – 2023 on 23rd February 2022 at the Tourism Auditorium from 11:00 am to 01:00 pm and was attended by 120 freshly enrolled students of MBA and hosted by faculty members, with the active participation of senior batch students of MBA.
The program was the formal beginning for the 2021 – 2023 batch MBA program, the flagship offering of Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Centre, Mysuru and was indeed worthwhile to observe the speeches of all the dignitaries about the agenda of the program. It is to be noted that the august presence of the Director, President, Secretary and Head of the Department made quite a great impact on the students by echoing the commitment and passion of Mahajana Education Society towards the education field.
The Chief Guest being Alumni of the Mahajana Education Institutions strongly emphasized the quality of the education offered by the institution and an avid number of achievers who once studied at the Mahajana Education Institution is very euphoric and all these were a matter of pride for the organizers of the program.
Dr Vijayalakshmi Muralidhar, Sri T Muralidhar, Mr Harish Machaiah, Dr CK Renukarya & Dr Buvaneswari P
As the tradition of our esteemed institution,
the program started by saluting the state with the Naadageethe sang by the senior MBA students –
Ms Mahima SS,
Ms Bhuvana,
Ms Sinchana,
Ms Kusuma C S
Followed by Naadageethe, welcoming and introduction of the Chief Guest and other Dignitaries was done by Dr Buvaneswari P, Professor and Head of the Department, MBA, PBMMEC, Mysuru.
Ms Kusuma C S
The Chief Guest Mr Harish Machaiah & Director Dr CK Renukarya were greeted by MBA students.
Every auspicious beginning should be made from precious processes, hence as per tradition, the program was formally inaugurated by lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries.
Inaugural Address –
Dr C K Renukarya addressed the gathering in his inaugural speech of the program and apprised the gathering about the achievements of the institution. He was honored to declare that all 120 seats were taken and still 20 seats were on the waiting list at the moment; also expressed his gratitude to previous students for securing ranks in the university and uplifting the reputation of the institution, and, enthused the newly admitted students to work hard for keeping up with the previous bests of the institution. Very special mention from the speech can be attributed to his up-to-date trend analysis of the Digital era, “when everything was moving to virtual and digital form, education is the only segment that can never be fully digital, nevertheless, owing to Covid times, the education field too evolved and the newfound method is a Hybrid model of education.”
Address by Chief Guest –
Mr Harish Machaiah is an avid personality, literally sparked the entire gathering with his humor and humbly weighed values by his speech. Mr Harish being an Ex-Chairman, NIPM Mysuru Chapter, took the moment by the storm of his memories associated with the institution, and his contributions to uplifting the reputation of the institution. It was mesmerizing to listen to his talk and amazed by his grip over the very moment of the incidents happening, the gathering was well advised to think out of the box and find their limits for breaking those barriers. The gathering was well engaged throughout the speech and that explains the command and charm of Mr Harish Machaiah to hold the audience irrespective of their backgrounds or knowledge.
Mr Harish Machaiah specifically quotes about the importance of developing global perspectives and went on to correlate it with the culture and human values for emphasizing the importance of acquiring a global perspective.
He said, “what my school can’t do, my country can’t do, but what I can do, my country can do ”. The power-packed speech had various correlations and one which was the catchiest – Challenge in English and Chale’ngee in Hindi; which meant to face the risks and ambiguity head-on than staying back and missing out on probable good things arising out of some bold mistakes in one’s life.
“Readers are Leaders”, a very invoking quote of Mr Harish, immersed the gathering in the depth and vastness of knowledge, what lies beyond the curriculum. The main outline of his speech was to ignite the passion of learning and working hard across comfort zones among the gathering and he succeeded in it, the active reactions and responses of the gathering echoed the success of the speech and Mr Harish’s intentions. The redesigned alphabetical dictionary of Mr Harish was very invigorating and it shook the depths of gatherings’ knowledge and how fixated perception can be the shortcoming in times of unknown eventualities which arises in future. It is to be noted that, ‘every individual is unique and every perception varies’, but it is equally important for oneself to be flexible enough to adapt and accustom with the changing environments; if not the end will be inevitable and Mr Harish, vouched for the gathering to be vigilant, observant and extra sensitive towards the changes in surroundings. The response is more vital than reply and he emphasized that everyone should adopt the practice to develop good communication and interpersonal skills for a stable future.
Presidential Address –
Sri T Muralidhar Bhagavat, Honorable President, Mahajana Education Society, Mysuru; addressed the gathering and shared his visions of the institution and appreciated the efforts and dedication of the teaching and non-teaching staff for keeping the institution functioning smoothly. He expressed his gratitude for the ‘Bheeshma’ of the institution, ‘Dr C K Renukarya’ and stressed the intricacies of the management studies by quoting the speech of Mr Harish Machaiah and welcomed all the newly admitted students of MBA.
Vote of Thanks –
By all means, the program was organized smoothly and as tradition, it is the duty to respect the time of everyone and appreciate the efforts, hence, the vote of thanks was proposed by Ms Dhanalakshmi P, Associate Professor, DoS in Business Administration, PBMMEC, Mysuru.
The National Anthem was sung by the MBA Students after the vote of thanks to formally conclude the program which was attended by 120 newly admitted MBA students, senior students who were involved in the organizing committee and all the faculty members.MBA Faculty members – Ms Dhanalakshmi P, Dr Chandrashekar P, Dr Vivek M Balse,
Mr. Guruprasada Rao SR, Dr Sangamitra Gowtham M J, Dr Manu R, Dr Saranya
Drafted By,
Prathik M Upadhyaya,
2nd MBA Finance,
PBMMEC, Mysuru.
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