Interactive session & Visit to Vigyan labs Innovations Private Ltd.

Interactive session & Visit to Vigyan labs Innovations Private Ltd.
Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Centre
KRS Road, Metagalli, Mysuru – 16
Department of Studies in Computer Science
M.C.A. & M.Sc. Computer Science
Interactive session & Visit to Vigyan labs
Innovations Private Ltd.
The visit was organized on 20th December 2022 at 2 pm. Before the visit to Vigyanlabs, at 12 pm there was an interactive session organized for the students of III Semester MCA & M.Sc(CS) with Mr. Vijayanand Gurudev, Entrepreneur, desiCloud, Mysuru and Mr. Sreenidhi G S D, Founder and CEO, Cynefian Pvt. Limited. Smt. Rachana C R, Associate Professor HoD, DoS in Computer Science welcomed the two resource persons and briefed the importance of visit to Vigyanlabs.
In the interactive session, Mr. Vijayananda Sir, explained more about network and its components which are used to build the network – Switch, Router, importance of Firewalls, use of DNS and how client stores data and can be accessed whenever required. “Vigyanlabs” is one of the recognized Data Centers in Mysuru, students got to know more about the data center infrastructure and cloud storage types.
During the visit to Vigyan labs the following points were explained:
- The storage area and how data of different clients is stored in the different servers and about the key components to measure and control in the storage room (power supply, temperature management).
- About the battery and electricity supply room which consists of different types of power supply units – electricity, solar power etc.
- About internet supply they have about 12 connections with different service providers, with visualization of all the connections and devices for a real time tracking.
- The Network Operation Center (NOC) consists of supervising and monitoring of the data stored, tracking of temperature changes, hacking and threats to the data and monitoring clients from different parts of the world.
Around 43 students were involved in the event.
Few pictures of the programme:
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