One day visit to CFTRI on open days

One day visit to CFTRI on open days
CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysuru is a premier Research organization established in 1950. On the occasion of “CSIR Foundation Day” (26th September, 2022), CSIR-CFTRI intends for the public by holding “Open days” during 26th and 27th of September, 2022.
Department of Studies in Chemistry students and faculties visited open day at CFTRI, Mysore. About 50 students participated in the visit. The special displays showed the Research and Development work done at CFTRI as well as some products and machineries developed by the Institute were showcased. The main focus of the event was on the “Food Technology-Industry Connect”. The theme pavilion was focused on the information about CFTRI Innovative Technologies with relevance to Entrepreneurship. It was an opportunity to explore science as a career option especially for students and discussion with scientific staff about scientific and research activities.
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