Orientation Visit to Bharat Hospital Institute of Oncology

Orientation Visit to Bharat Hospital Institute of Oncology

Orientation Visit to Bharat Hospital Institute of Oncology

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On 27.06.2024 II semester MSW students visited Bharat hospital institute of oncology for an orientation. This visit was organized to provide the students with firsthand experience and understanding of the role of social workers in a healthcare setting, particularly in a cancer hospital. The visit aimed to enhance the students’ knowledge and prepare them for their future roles in social work within the medical field.

Objectives of the Visit

  • To understand the structure and functioning of a cancer hospital.
  • To observe the role of social workers in a healthcare setting.
  • To learn about the support systems available for cancer patients and their families.
  • To interact with healthcare professionals and understand the multidisciplinary approach to cancer care.
  • To gain insights into the emotional, social, and psychological challenges faced by cancer patients.

Schedule of the Visit

  1. Welcome and Introduction
    o The students were welcomed by the hospital administration.
    o An introductory session was conducted to brief the students about the hospital’s history, mission, and services.
  2. Tour of the Hospital
    o The students were given a guided tour of the hospital, including:
    *Outpatient and inpatient departments
    *Radiation therapy and chemotherapy units
    *Palliative care unit
    *Psychosocial support services
    *Rehabilitation services
  3. Interaction with Healthcare Professionals
    o The students had the opportunity to interact with doctors, nurses, and social workers.
    o A panel discussion was held where healthcare professionals shared their experiences and discussed the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in cancer care.

Key Learning

  • Role of Social Workers: The visit highlighted the critical role social workers play in supporting cancer patients and their families. This includes providing emotional support, counseling, facilitating communication between patients and healthcare providers, and helping patients navigate the healthcare system.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: The importance of a team approach in cancer care was emphasized. Social workers collaborate with doctors, nurses, psychologists, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care.
  • Emotional and Psychological Support: The visit underscored the need for addressing the emotional and psychological needs of cancer patients. Social workers help patients cope with the diagnosis, treatment, and the overall impact of cancer on their lives.
  • Resource Management: Social workers assist patients in accessing various resources such as financial aid, transportation services, and community support groups.
  • Palliative and End-of-Life Care: The role of social workers in providing palliative and end-of-life care was discussed. This includes supporting patients and families during the final stages of illness and helping them deal with grief and loss.

The orientation visit to visited Bharat hospital institute of oncology was a valuable learning experience for the social work students. It provided them with a deeper understanding of the healthcare environment and the crucial role social workers play in cancer care. The insights gained from this visit will undoubtedly enhance their ability to provide compassionate and effective support to cancer patients and their families in their future careers.

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