Quiz Competition

Quiz Competition

Quiz Competition

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Quiz competition was organised by department of chemistry on July 26, 2023 from 10 am to 3 pm under the supervision of Dr. Roopa R. A., Dr. Manasa H. S, Dr. Kiran K. R., Mr. Mahendra Kumar H. S. and Mrs. Anitha R. at Life Science Auditorium and DOS in Chemistry, PG Centre, Mysuru. We followed some Rules and regulations for Quiz Competition.

The II and IV semester students were participated and exposed to glimpse of the different areas of Chemistry, likely Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Nine teams of 4 students from II and IV semester were participated. Quiz Competition was comprised of three rounds- Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3.

Round 1 was conducted based on Multiple Choice Questions with options and supervised by Dr. Roopa R. A. Students Participated with enthusiasm and six teams were selected for Round 2 based on the total marks scored. Three teams were eliminated in Round 1 and considered as disqualified.

In Round 2, six teams participated and performed very well. It was conducted based on Multiple Choice Questions with options and supervised by Dr. Manasa H. S. Four teams were selected for Round 3 based on the total marks scored. Two teams were eliminated and considered as disqualified.

In Round 3, four teams participated and gave their best for winning. It was conducted based on one word answer, Multiple Choice Questions with options and supervised by Dr. Roopa R. A. Two teams were eliminated based on the least marks and considered as disqualified. Two teams selected in Round 3 got equal marks and conducted tie break questionare for winner and runner up. The tie breaker round was supervised by Mr. Mahendra Kumar H. S. based on one word answer questions. In the final round one team declared as winner and the other team as runner up.

Quiz Competition Winners: Madhooli ravindra kodlekere, Srivathsa nadig B, Nisarga K. C. & Bindushree R. K.

Quiz Competition Runners: Sumukha B, Keerthi N. G, Tippesha Yadav K. M & Nagashree V. N.

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Date And Time

2023-07-26 @ 10:00 AM to
2023-07-26 @ 03:00 PM

Event Category

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