Singing competition winner in Aikyam 2023

Singing competition winner in Aikyam 2023
Report on ‘Aikyam 2023’
The Department of Studies in Business Administration was formally invited to participate in the “Aikyam Fest 2023” competition by the ‘ISBR College, Business School, Bengaluru on the 12th Feb 2023.
The competition had attracted participants from 20 different colleges with a cumulative of near to 30 contestants across the verticals of the event
Mr. Suraj M V of MBA Student participating in Solo Singing Event
at ISBR college, Business School , Bengaluru.
The ‘ Aikyam Fest 2023’ was rightly designed to give the participants an immersive exposure to enormous activities, and our student were well determined in their approach to the competition and their spirits of confidence and compassion to glide winning through the Solo singing event. He achieved an impeccable fleet by traversing the obstacles designed to pull out the talents of student and he take pride to admire their courage to compete against various B Schools and distinctive colleges from all over the countries.
Mr. Suraj M V received Cash prize and winner certificate for Solo Singing Event
at ISBR College of Business Schools, Bengaluru.
Among 15 participants of different colleges for Solo Singing Event and having a tuff competition ‘Mr Suraj MV ‘of 2nd year MBA , PBMMEC, Mysuru has Secured first prize in this event and received a cash prize of Rs 3000/- and he Determined to draw from this experience and work hard to win in the upcoming competitions.
Mr. Suraj M V Secured 1st prize in Solo singing at ISBR College of Business School
appreciated by our Director ‘Dr C K Renukarya and our HOD Prof. Harish Machiah K
with Faculty Co ordinator Dr Manu R
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