Social Gathering – Christmas Celebration (Cake Mixing, Cake Cutting) 21st, 23rd, 24th Dec’2019

Social Gathering – Christmas Celebration (Cake Mixing, Cake Cutting) 21st, 23rd, 24th Dec’2019
We are glad to inform that our department organized Christmas celebration for the first time to focus more on human values which gives equal importance to each religion’s customs and culture. Under the guidance of our beloved Director Dr.C.K.Renukarya, the initiative to organize this event was taken by Cdr.Satish H.N, Head (Tourism & Hospitality) and Mr.George Jaison, HoD (Hospitality) with all faculty and students of hospitality department. The prime objective was to admire the spirit of peace, brotherhood, charity and kindness.
Students of BBA (Tourism & Hospitality) organized the cake mixing ceremony on 21/12/2019, followed by cake cutting ceremony on 23/12/2019 by our beloved Director Dr.C.K.Renukarya in the presence of all the heads of the Post graduate departments. On 24/12/2019 Christmas was celebrated in the restaurant which was decorated with Christmas tree, stars and candle. The event started with prayer by Calvin Joseph, followed by Christmas message delivered by Mr.George Jaison, carol singing by Mohammed Sibtain. Our director and Head of the department addressed the gathering by highlighting the human values, kindness with all humans, religious and cultural celebration significance. Cakes, juices and a small gift (pen) were distributed to all.
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