Social Work Camp and Extension Activity Report – 2023

Social Work Camp and Extension Activity Report – 2023

Social Work Camp and Extension Activity Report – 2023

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The urban social work perspective of 2023 camp, the social work trainees choose Hadajana village, Varuna hobli, Mysore taluk, interior village in Mysore rural region which is situated around 24 km from our college. The camp was conducted in association with Samajika Nyaya Vedike. The village was very beautiful and the people in the community were very approachable. The village has 340 houses totally. People depend on cattle-rearing, farming and daily labor. The village people were exceptionally caring, kind, generous and helped the trainees throughout the stay.

Pre-camp Visit and Transect Walk: 28.12.2022

On 28/12/2022 the social work trainees and Dr. Bhavana, Asst Professor of Social Work visited the camp site for a transect walk in the village with the help of Mr. Sathish Methri, Field Officer from Samajika Nyaya Vedike, to get familiar with the village. Mr. Sathish facilitated the students and the faculty to interact with the village heads. Eventually, after the transect walk, the social work trainees cleaned the area around Samudhaya Bhavan and gathered the community people and conducted some group interactions with them and drew the social mapping of the village near Samudhaya Bhavan.

Day 1: 16.01.2023

On the day of 16/01/2023 the Social Work Trainees started their official camp in Hadajana village. It was a different experience for students to drill and synthesize the village life and group living within 7 days of time. The Social Work Trainees were welcomed by the school students and the trainees conducted group work for school children in the school premises. Later, in the evening, the Social Work Trainees cleaned the area around the Samudhaya Bhavan for the official inauguration of the camp. The Heads of the village helped the Social Work Trainees and the faculty members to make this program a successful one

The inauguration programme was embraced by many guests including the school Head Master, Faculty from Mysuru Survey Training Institute, PDO of Devalapura GP, Press representatives, Village Heads, SHG Head and members, SDMC members, Asha Worker and our faculty. All guests addressed the gathering and motivated the trainees to make the camp a successful one. The inauguration was followed by cultural programmes where the trainees presented folk songs and a small skit depicting the purpose of the camp.

DAY 2: 17.01.2023

On 17/01/2023 the Trainees performed shramadhan in the school premises. Later, the Trainees were assigned to conduct survey of the village with structured questionnaire. It was a socio-economic survey to understand the social and economic status of the community. The faculty explained the questionnaire to the students and rules to follow while visiting the homes and talking to the respondents. The survey went on till 2 pm.

A programme on water and sanitation by Dr. Divya K.S Asst Professor of Microbiology, PBMMEC, Mysuru for the school children was organized. The social work trainees facilitated in helping K S Divya to conduct the session. Some trainees were surveying while some were in the session. After the survey, the trainees prepared for the cultural activities.

The infotainment programme started at 7 pm. The villagers and children gathered near the samudaya bhavana. The trainees pefomed folk songs, a dance and performed a skit depicting water sanitation and water related issues. The children of the village also came forward and performed songs and dance which was the highlight of the programme.

DAY 3: 18.02.2023

On 18/02/2023 the social work trainees performed shramadhan in the school premises. Later, the social work trainees went for the survey and collected data from the respondents.

An awareness programme on Food and Nutrition by Ms. Ms Bhavya Anchalkar, Asst Professor, dept of food processing, PBMMEC, Mysuru was organized for the school students and SHG members. The SHG members from nearby villages also attended the programme and interacted with the resource person.

After the programme, the social work trainees prepared for the cultural activities. The activity for the day was folk songs and a skit on awareness of food and cleanliness.

DAY 4: 19.01.2023

On 19/01/2023 the social work trainees performed shramadhan in the school premises.

The Department of Social Work in collaboration with the District Legal services authority, Mysuru. Mr. N. Sundar Raj, Senior Panel Advocate, District Legal Services Authority, Mysuru addressed the gathering. Since the trainees had already informed the villagers about the programme, many had come prepared to discuss with the advocate. They had brought land dispute cases to seek advice.

The next session was by Mr. Srinidhi, Asst professor of commerce, PBMMEC, Mysuru about financial literacy. Topics like small savings, maintaining sb account, linking accounts, schems farmers, schemes for BPL and APL card holders, schemes exclusively for women etc were discussed. People actively participated in the session and calrified many doubts with the resource person.

DAY 5: 20.01.2023

On 20/01/2023 the social work t performed shramadhan in the school premises. Later, the social work campers were asked to do the survey of the village with a structured questionnaires prepared by the samajika nyaya vedike was given to the social work campers through google forms and were asked to fill the forms. The social work campers facilitated in helping Miss Likitha lectured aboutComputer literacy to the school children’s and Miss Bojamma conducted a guest lecturing about Creative math tricksto the school children’s. The social work trainees also participated in facilitating withInner wheel NGO in distributing the snacks to the school children’s.Gradually, after the survey the social work campers prepared for the cultural activities like infotainment and sang folk song and ended the day after cultural activity.

On the day of21/01/2023the social work campers performed shramadhan in the school premises. Later, the social work campers were asked to do the survey of the village with a structured questionnaires prepared by the samajika nyaya vedike was given to the social work campers through google forms and were asked to fill the forms. The social work campers in association withAmrithakripa Hospital, Mysuru conducted a Free Health Camp to the community people. Gradually, after the Health Camp the social work campers prepared a valedictory program on the daily evaluation of the camp conducted by the social work campers in Hadajana village and thanked the community y people and Sathish methri sir from samajika nyaya vedike for supporting the social work campers from the beginning till the very end.

On the day of 22/01/2023the social work campers concluded the camp on this day by drawing the social mapping of the Hadajana village. This time the campers drew the map with all the details collected by them during the period of camp and was drew in the area of Samudhaya Bhavan. On these the social work campers concluded the camp.

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2022-12-28 to



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