Social Work trainees educated the EkalavyaNagar slum children during post covid 19

Social Work trainees educated the EkalavyaNagar slum children during post covid 19
Social Work trainees educated the EkalavyaNagar slum children during post covid 19
Post Graduate Dept. of Social Work trainees post covid 19 Visited Ekalavya Nagara Slum areas and educated the slum children who were left out from school & also found to be slow learner due to impact of covid 19 pandemic and taught basics education to children. This was a part of their internship provided by Youth for Seva organization
On 30.07.2022 Department of social Work in association with Help Age India, Youth for Sava and Inner wheel organized Medical camp at Ekalavyanagar, Mysuru
Department of social work in association with Help Age India, Youth for Sava and Inner wheel organized Medical camp at Ekalavyanaga, Mysuru. During the camp with the help of Helpage India treats 100 patients, free medicines were distributed to the patients. Meanwhile, during the camp inner wheel organization distributed the steel Plates and Glass to the 50 children who are going to school as expressed by the community. Youth for sava organization members were also involved as volunteer in the programme.
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