Special Lecture on Scope of Geology by Dr. Somashekar.K.N.

Special Lecture on Scope of Geology by Dr. Somashekar.K.N.

Special Lecture on Scope of Geology by Dr. Somashekar.K.N.

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Special Lecture Scope of Geology at DepartmentofScience,

The Special Lecture on Scope of Geology was conducted on 03.06.2022byDept.ofScience,ofMahajanaPGCentre, K.R.S.Road,Metagalli, Mysuru by Dr.Somashekar.K.N, as a ResourcePerson. Professor spokeon various oppurtunities of the subject and scope of the subject .Theeventwasconducted under the guidance of Dr.C.K.Renukarya, Director, Mahajana PG Campus, Dr.Satish G Chetty, Chief Coordinator, Mrs.Gunarekha.B.S Coordinator &Mr.Thanmaya. B.M, Assistant Professor Geology, from the DepartmentofScience.

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Registration email/URL - veerabhadra.s@star-knowledge.org

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