Two-Day Workshop on Internet of Things- a Hands-on Approach

Two-Day Workshop on Internet of Things- a Hands-on Approach

Two-Day Workshop on Internet of Things- a Hands-on Approach

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S.B.R.R. Mahajana First Grade College (Autonomous), PG Wing
K.R.S. Road, Metagalli, Mysuru – 570016.
Department of Studies in Computer Science

Department of Studies in Computer Science of S.B.R.R. Mahajana First Grade College, P.G. Wing, in association with Ecclesia Advanced Computer Technology organized two day’s workshop on ‘Internet of Things – A Hands-on Approach’ for the students of first semester M.Sc.(Computer Science) on 10th and 11th May 2022. Mrs. Rachana C R, Associate Professor and Head welcomed and introduced the resource person of the workshop Mr. Thiruppugazhan S. Mrs. Lakshmi B, Director Ecclesia Advanced Computer Technology briefed about the applications of IoT in present scenario. Mr. Thiruppugazhan S handled hands sessions by developing three projects.

The Home Automation project developed using Arduino ESP8266, one channel Relay and Blynk app for automatically switching on/off the electric bulb. Temperature monitoring and display the message in Telegram app when the temperature crosses the threshold is developed using Arduino ESP8266, DHT sensor and Telegram app. Reading Temperature and humidity of environment project is developed using Arduino ESP8266, DHT sensor and Blynk app. Dr. C K Renukarya, Director, PG wing of SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, awarded the participation certificates to all the students present for the two day’s workshop.

Descriptions of the projects are given below:

  1. The Home Automation project developed using ArduinoESP8266, one channel Relay and Blynk app for automatically switching on/off the electric bulb. ESP8266 is a low-cost WiFi module that belongs to ESP’s family which you can use it to control our electronics projects anywhere in the world. It has an in-built microcontroller and a 1MB flash allowing it to connect to a WiFi. The TCP/IP protocol stack allows the module to communicate with WiFi signals. The ESP8266 acts as an interface between the electric bulb and the smartphone. The ESP8266 connected to the nearby WiFi Hotspot that allows it to access the internet and sends data (On/OFF) to Blynk Server along with the authentication code. An authentication code is then sent to the app that has the same authentication code and then, the app receives the data to create a secure connection between the app and the ESP8266. The data(instructions to control electric bulb) from the Blynk app is sent to the Blynk server along with the authentication code and since the ESP8266 already has the same authentication code which is connected with the Blynk server, the server identifies the matching code and data is sent to the corresponding ESP8266. Then the ESP8266 microcontroller turns ON/OFF the bulb.
  2. Temperature monitoring and display the message, when the temperature crosses the threshold in Telegram app is developed using ArduinoESP8266, DHT22 sensor and Telegram app. Telegram BOT is used to communicate with DHT sensor through ESP8266. When temperature crosses a given threshold value, ESP8266 sends message in telegram app through telegram chat BOT.
  3. Reading Temperature and humidity of environment project is developed using ArduinoESP8266, DHT22 sensor and Blynk app. ESP8266 act as an interface between the DHT22 sensor and Blynk server. DHT22 sensor reads the temperature and humidity data, then sends to Blynk sever along with the authentication code. The ESP8266 already has the same authentication code which is connected with the Blynk server. The temperature and humidity values are displayed in the Blynk app.

On 10th May 2022, 15 students and on 11th May 2022, 17 students developed the above projects. Total: 32.

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