Value Education and Personality Development Programme

Value Education and Personality Development Programme
Venue: Ramakrishna Institute Of Moral And Spiritual Education(RIMSE), Mysuru
Resource persons: Team building – by Smt. Chandrika Raghu
Effective presentation skills – by Ms. Sutanu Majumder Handling failure – by Swami Mahamedhanandaji
No of participants: 46 girl students, 2 faculty members (Dr. Sangamitra Gowtham M.J and Dr. Preethi M)
As part of extension and outbound training MBA 1Year girl students were taken to RIMSE for value education and personality development programme. The first session was a team building activity conducted by Smt. Chandrika Raghu, corporate trainer. Students were made into 5 teams and were asked to prepare balloon tower using 20 balloons within 20 minutes and the team which built the tallest tower was declared winner. Each team was made to speak on working in effective team and how the task assigned would have been better based on trust, leadership, communication, goals, roles and responsibilities. The session helped students to showcase their team spirit, communication, coordination, creativity and time management too.
The second session was online session on Effective presentation skills conducted by Ms. Sutanu Majumder, Motivational speaker. The tips and technique for effective presentation skills were given by the resource person. The three step process that is start with your present, follow the past, and end with future was helpful. Resource person gave tips to overcome public speaking fear. Tips on Visual aids, voice, and pronunciation were given. Resume writing tips was also provided.
The last session conducted by Swami Mahamedhanandaji was on handling failure. Following important checklist also known as Vivekananda’s checklist to handle a failure was given:
- Am I blaming others for failure or am I taking responsibility?
- Am I blaming myself for failure? Or am I recognized or I have only failed in the task and not as a person?
- Did I put in the right kind of effort on right direction?
- What can I do to re-energize myself and start a fresh?
Swami Mahamedhanandaji oriented Students to never give up, keep trying and ended the session with the message that if things are not working for an individual one needs to give sometime and start again with all the positive energy and grab opportunities at one stretch.
Report by Ms Mayraj Fathima
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