Career Growth and leadership traits in Hospitality & Tourism Industry

Career Growth and leadership traits in Hospitality & Tourism Industry
We are glad to inform you that our department organized a webinar on Career Growth and leadership traits in Hospitality & Tourism Industry on 15th December 2020. The webinar focused on Career Growth and leadership traits in Hospitality & Tourism Industry. The programme started at 10:00 am with the welcome address by Cdr.Satish H.N, Head (Tourism & Hospitality). He highlighted that, importance of leadership, qualities in Hospitality & Tourism business also pointed out the challenges ahead due to covid-19.
Mr. G. Jaison – HOD (Hospitality) introduced the chief guest and invited the guest to take over the session.
Mr. Satyen Dasondi, expressed sincere gratitude to the management and department taking this initiative.
He has highlighted the leadership traits and career opportunities in travel, tourism, and hospitality industries and also motivated the students towards career opportunities in hospitality sectors. He shared his research work and talked about leadership styles, factors which may influence a good leader and how the leader is managing the teams and challenges. He gave several examples of hotels, travel and tourism domains.
During the Q & A Session, students & participants asked relevant questions on the topic and the resource person responded positively.
Finally, Vote of thanks given by Dr. Ravi Prasad S. The whole webinar anchored by Mr. Vinay Kumar KS and technical supported by Mr. Kaliyamoorthi and Mr. Manohar.
In this webinar nearly 206 participants participated from different colleges and industries. This event was broadcasted live at Tourism Auditorium for First year students of Hotel & Hospitality and Aviation.
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