Inauguration of ECO CLUB and Green Campus drive

Inauguration of ECO CLUB and Green Campus drive
Details of the department organizing the event in collaboration with institution, Hosted by the Department of Social Work.
Purpose and scope of the event
An Eco Club in a college campus serves as a platform to promote environmental awareness, sustainability, and conservation among students, staff, and the wider community. The primary purpose of an Eco Club is to instill a sense of responsibility and care for the environment, fostering a culture of eco-consciousness and sustainable practices.
Details of the talk/event/activity
The eco club was inaugurated by Mr. G.R Ganeshan, Environmental officer, Karnataka state Pollution Control Board, Mysuru. The programme included a planery talk by the resource person who gave an insight about the environment in the industrial areas in Mysuru and waste segregation. The programme concluded with a Q/A session.
Target audience and No. of Participants/beneficiaries
The audiences were the students of all pg departments who were the members of the eco club. The programme was attended by nearly 200 students
Additional Details
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