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Mahajana Education Society ®
SBRR Mahajana First Grade College (Autonomous)
PG Wing Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Centre
KRS Road, Mysore – 570016
Department of Studies in Business Administration

INDUSTRIAL VISIT ON to PAMS Engineering, Hootagalli Industrial Area, Mysuru, United Breweries Ltd. now taken over by Heineken,Thandavapura Industrial Area, Nanjangud 8/2/2023 and 9/2/23.

As part of the industrial exposure and industry interaction to III sem MBA students HOD Prof Harish Machia had arranged industrial visit to 120 students. Students were divided into two batches headed with two faculty members on 08thFebraury 2023 and 09th February 2023.

On 8/2/23 First batch of 60 finance students were accompanied by Dr Sangamitra M.J and Dr Preethi to PAMS engineering Ltd., and 40 students from HR and Marketing management to United Breweries Ltd., were accompanied by Dr Dr Chandrashekar.P, and Dr Srinivas K.R.

On 9/2/23 Second batch of 60 Finance students were accompanied by Dr Chandrashekar.P and Sri Srinivas Thimmaiah to PAMS engineering Ltd., and 40 students from HR and Marketing management to United Breweries Ltd., Dr Sangamitra M.J and Dr Preethi.M


Industry Visit to PAMS Engineering:

Pams Engineering an automotive ancillary unit cater the needs of the automobile industry. At present industry it is being operated at 20,000 Sq.ft. and works are under process for expansion of further 8,000 Sq.ft. in the same campus.

It was informed that Pams engineering is the major suppliers for TVS Motors, Mitshubishi and SKF (who supplies for Ather Energy) providing spares for engine and mechanical component. There are 32 variety of spares supplied to TVS Motors who are major customers for Pams supplying over 12Lakh units every month.

The factory consists of 13 machineries out of which some are robotic, semi-automated and manual.
PAMS engineering, was a customer driven firm, manufacturing industry built-to-specification (BTS) product as per the requirements. Since the products were customer specific, the product had to go under proper quality check to meet the desired outcome. The company is taking required care for it. The testing machinery costs around Rs.80 lakh which is installed in the company shows commitment towards business. The turnover of the Pams industry is found near to Rs.30 Crs in the previous year.

Mr Shivalinge Gowda and Mr Sampath guided students to know about each component and structure of the industry. After the visit of manufacturing unit, student had an interaction session where they got to know that PAMS has employed 6 physically challenged employees too which was commendable. Mr Basavanna briefed about the journey and its achievement and answered all the queries of students. Students learnt how industry has to be developed with proper production layout in given minimum place and extract more revenue by gaining and retaining customers through providing best possible product and service. The commitment towards the work and the industry makes them to sustain and have potential growth.

Industry Visit to United Breweries Which Is Now Taken Over By Heineken:

As soon as students reached United Breweries, they had undergone a security check ensuring everyone were wearing shoes for the safety purpose. Strict advice was given not to take any photos at the production unit to maintain confidentiality of the factors and methods leading to competitive advantage.

The visit was split into two half, prior lunch we had industry briefing, theoretical knowledge about the activities performed in production area & insights about the managerial aspects. Here students learnt about 8 pillars of their management i.e. Training and development, automation, quality check etc. and 5s principle which are followed at every level namely sorting, sequencing, standardizing, shining & self-development.

The session had a detailed explanation about production process right from raw materials to finished goods, waste treatment, quality check, testing and more. The briefing session was made fewer than 6 aspects of the industry which provided overview of the company.

After 1st session students and the faculties were provided with lunch, also before the beginning of session they provided the refreshments.

Post lunch, the industry personnel took the students around the campus, on that day out of 3 machines, a machine with packaging capacity of 36,000U was operating. Students were taken through complete process within a short span of time. Since the students were theoretically aware of the process, much explanation was not required and could easily understand by visualizing. Students enjoyed the most at bottling, labelling and packaging section as it was visual treat for the eyes and could observe most process at the standing place itself.

During interaction students came to know about the legal aspects such as pollution, control and disposal of waste etc. They got insight about the GOK’s intervention regarding sales, exports and retail, which involves procedures to follow.

For second batch of students Mr Neil Vincent welcomed and oriented about the industry which was followed by safety presentation by Mr Shashank and the brewing process was explained by Ms Aditi. Mr Niel Sabu, Engineer took the entire batch to view the industry and see how the production process takes place. Arrangement for lunch was made by the company. Post lunch Mr Kathik, HR head interacted with students. They took the feedback and answered various queries of the students.

Overall students felt that the visit was far more than an industry tour; it was a blend of outbound training and industry exposure which created a connection to the managerial aspects learnt in the classroom in the regular routine. Students got an opportunity to implement their theoretical knowledge in a practical and managerial sense leading to better understanding of the concepts.

Report by Shreyas.V and Sureshkumar.R

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2023-02-08 to

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