Interactive session on “What do we do after our BCA? The Sky and the Horizon”

Interactive session on “What do we do after our BCA? The Sky and the Horizon”
SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, PG Wing (Autonomous)
Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Centre
KRS Road, Metagalli, Mysuru-570016
DoS in Computer Science
M.C.A. and M.Sc. Computer Science
A Report on the Interactive session on “What do we do after our BCA? The Sky and the Horizon”
30th July 2022
Department of Studies in Computer Science organized an Interactive Session for the final year BCA students of SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, Mysuru on 30-07-2022.
The Session – 1 formally began with the Naadagethe rendered by the students of MCA. Mr. Basanth Kumar H B, Assistant Professor, DoS in Computer Science, welcomed the dignitaries and gave a brief introduction about the event. Honourable Secretary Dr. Vijayalakshmi Muralidhar, Mahajana Education Society, PG Wing Director Dr. C K Renukarya, Principal Dr. B R Jayakumari, Dr. S R Ramesh, CEO, Mahajana First Grade College, Mr. Manjunath, HoD, BCA department, Resource person for the event Sri. Harish Machia Kodandera, Professor and Head, Dept. of MBA, SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, PG Wing, Mrs. Rachana C R, Associate Professor and Head, DoS in Computer Science, were present on the dais. The purpose of this interactive session was not only to guide the students about various career options after their BCA but also to highlight the strengths and achievements of the Computer Science department, PG campus.
Mrs. Rachana C R Associate Professor and Head, DoS in Computer Science introduced the resource person Sri. Harish Machia Kodandera and briefed the profile of DoS in Computer Science. She mentioned that, to join for MCA, the student should either take up PGCET entrance exam conducted by Karnataka Examinations Authority or K-MAT exam Conducted by the Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association, to join for M.Sc.(Computer Science), the student should take PG Entrance Exam Conducted by University of Mysore. She explained the curricular aspects of MCA and M.Sc.(CS). She also explained the various facilities available for the students when they join for MCA or M.Sc.(CS) programme.
Dignitaries on the dais inaugurated the interactive session by lighting the lamp. After this, the Rank Holders of University of Mysore were felicitated by the dignitaries. Rank holders from M.Sc.(CS) are Ms. Saranya S, 2017-2019 Batch and Ms. Chaithra, 2018- 2020 Batch, Ms. Divyashree M S, 2019-2021 Batch (Autonomous). Rank holders from MCA are Ms. Ronitha A C, Ms. Hemalataha M, 2017-2020 Batch and Ms. Ashwini Prasad S, 2018-2021 Batch.
Dr. B R Jayakumari, Principal, gave her thoughts on the importance of post graduate degree after BCA. She also specified that though the UG and PG programmes are located at different campuses, both are under the same umbrella “Mahajana Education Society”. The presidential Remarks was given by Dr. C K Renukarya, Director, he mentioned the different facilities available for the Mahajana UG students when they join for the PG courses in Mahajana PG Centre. Smt. Shobha D, Assistant Professor, DoS in Computer Science proposed vote of thanks. Session – I ended with the National Anthem.
Session 2 was handled by the resource person Sri. Harish Machia Kodandera, Professor and Head, Dept. of MBA, SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, PG Wing. The following are the points were mentioned by the resource person.
- After the BCA if the students want to study PG programmes, they can choose either MCA or MBA, as both are top courses after BCA.
- Whether the students want to study postgraduation or go for job after their BCA, in life the goal is to be like Horizon- higher the goals there will be wider opportunities.
- He suggested students to read at least 7 news papers, which helps the students to improve the vocabulary and it impacts the communication skills.
- He mentioned the famous quote coined by Julius Caesar “Veni, Vidi, Vici – I came, I saw, I conquered” should be the attitude of the students towards acquiring knowledge.
- He also mentioned the quote coined by German philosopher Johann Friedrich von Schiller “only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skills to do difficult things easily” should be the way to transform in a way that the students improve their excellence and strategic thinking.
- He played a few video clips which described about the innovative thinking and the evolution of automation.
- He also demonstrated the usage of information in a right way.
- He said that we should do our work in such a way that the results should exceed the expectations and he also specified that we must operate from the commitment and not from the complaint.
- He concluded the session by quoting “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, Stay Updated”.
Around 45 final year BCA students were present in the Programme
Few Glimpses of the Interactive session:
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