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Five day student development programme was arranged for IV semester MBA students to provide a comprehensive over view of qualitative and quantitative research framework which would help them take up their project work.HOD of MBA Department, Prof Harish Machia inaugurated Student development programme on research methodology on 22nd May 2023.

Day 1: 22nd May 2023, LITERATURE REVIEW by Dr. Sunil MV, Head-Academic Administration of SDMIMD and Assistant Professor in General Management Area.

Dr.Sunil M.V oriented students on Literature Review. He gave brief explanation on how good Literature review should be i.e, avoiding duplication, sources of data, approaches and more. Later he focused on the core area of the session that is how to carry on Literature review. He highlighted on the importance of use of technology in preparation of project report and also gave detailed explanation on 10 major aspects where students have to focus while carrying Literature work.

He gave practical exposure of how to search for articles in Google, what are thewebsites we have to look for, how to filter, sort and organize relevant articles, what are the supportive applications that we have to use to make the Project work easier.

Day 2: 23rd May 2023, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY by Dr. P Nagesh, Professor and Dean, JSS STU, Mysuru.

Dr. Nagesh. P oriented students on Research designs and technique. He also oriented students on when to apply these types of research, what are the building blocks of the research, identifying the problem, defining problem, determining hypothesis, designing a questionnaire and requirements of a good questionnaire.

Day 3 & 4: 24th & 25th May 2023, TRAINING ON SPSS SOFTWARE by Dr. Lancy D’souza, Professor, Maharaja’s college, Mysore.

Day 3 Dr Lancy shared his expertise on SPPS. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences a computer based software currently owned by IBM, been widely used all over the world for the purpose of data analysis. Dr. Lancy emphasized the importance of Right Sample and Right Questionnaire, influence of these in analysis of data. He explained various measurements of data, measures of scale, various ways of representing the data, in related explained the difference between textual representation of data and graphical presentation of data, the benefits of representing data graphically.

He explained about developing null and alternative hypothesis, various ways to check normality of data. He emphasized more on various tests that has to be conducted as a core to draw analysis of data. He also gave a detailed explanation of when to use these tests, purpose of it and requirements of it. In addition to it he also briefed on level of significance, and possible Errors that may occur while analysis of data.

Day 4 25th May 2023 was practical oriented session on usage of SPSS application on data. Dr. Lancy, helped students to conduct T-Test, Paired sample Test, ANOVA, ANCOVA, Correlation and regression. For each of the tests, he made students to clearly understand how to enter the data and code it as per requirement and the directional path for conducting each tests. It was a practical session, students worked in their respective laptops along with Dr. Lancy, which made students not to have any ambiguity in the process.

Day 5: 26th May 2023, RESEARCH REPORT WRITING by Mrs. Aruna Devi, Director of PAS3 Cyber Labs. She gave detailed explanation on representation of research work in a report form, format to be followed and requirements of report.

Mrs. Aruna Devi explained about the importance of Report, what text should be used, font size of texts and heading, structure of report, use of basic tables in report, what should be added in the appendix, how conclusion should be given, what should not be added or unwanted for the report.

She also explained about plagiarism, the amount that can be accepted in the project, how it has to be avoided. She practically explained plagiarism check to students using software to understand better and avoid as much as possible.

The 5 day SDP was organized for final year MBA students to provide a path way to carry with their project work which is mandatory as a part of 4th semester. SDP helped students get a clear idea of how to start the project, what are the requirements of it, preparations to be made, what are the steps to be followed, use of software to reduce errorsand finally how to present the data. This SDP led students to choose and finalize their Project topic and title of it and start working on the project.

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2023-05-22 to

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