Dr. Sangamitra Gowtham M J
Current Position: Associate Professor
Qualification: B.E., M.B.A., Ph.D
Teaching Experience: 14 years
Courses offered: Organizational Behavior, Management Concepts and Theories, Business Communication, Human Resource Management, Legal Aspects of Business, Training and Development, Organizational change and development, Strategic Human Resource Management, Collective Bargaining, Knowledge Management
Current research interests: My current area of research interest is in the field of Industrial psychology wherein, I’m inquisitive towards studying, analyzing and understanding human behavior in the workplace specifically the education sector. Teachers / Academicians are the sculptures of
young minds. They are responsible for awakening and igniting the curiosity and passion for learning among blooming minds. But, quite often the difficulties and challenges faced by them go unnoticed. Since the services offered by academicians are qualitative, their effort of complying with the
standards of the several accreditation bodies, job roles and demands, management’s expectations are seldom appreciated and rewarded. This research area thus provides me an opportunity to study the attitude, emotions, perceptions, behavior and the likely reasons for job stress among academicians which will have its impact on the overall effective and efficient functioning of the college/institute/universities. Furthermore, through this research, an attempt can also be made to identify the key reasons for human behavior and provide scientific and reliable solutions to overcome the challenges and problems.
Doctoral Research: My Doctoral research was in the area of Human Resource Management with the research title “Situational analysis of Three Dimensional Management style theory in Mechanistic and Organic structures.” Three Dimensional Management Style Theory, also termed as 3D theory of management was developed by William James Reddin. Through this research an attempt was made to investigate, evaluate and compare the leadership styles in mechanistic and organic structures which are characterized by attributes that are generally contradicting. Further, the research also aimed at identifying the leadership styles that are predominantly followed at different levels of hierarchy in the organization. The research was carried out by considering three manufacturing and three IT firms in and around mysore city. The sample population was selected on the basis of
stratification. Accordingly, the sample was divided into three strata : Top level, middle level and the supervisory level. The required data was collected through LEAD Self and LEAD others inventory developed by Hershey and Blanchard. The results of the research indicated that most of the leaders
in the firms considered for the sample followed Integrated style of leadership with equal emphasis given for both task and relationship orientation.
Post Doctoral Research: Yet to apply
Research Experience: 12 years
No. of publications: 15
No. of Papers presented in National/International symposia/conferences: 01
- Parthasarathy N, T P Renukamurthy and Sangamitra Gowtham M J. 2023. “An empirical study on nexus between Organizational Commitment predictors and factors of Quality of work life”. South India Journal of Social Sciences: Vol.XXI, No: 14. 178 – 183. ISSN: 0972 – 8945.
- Parthasarathy N, T P Renukamurthy and Sangamitra Gowtham M J. 2023. “Analysis of association between Quality of Work life and Organizational Commitment of Bank employees”. Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics: Vol. XXVII, No: 2. 101 – 105. ISSN: 0975-802X.
- Sangamitra Gowtham. 2022. “An empirical study on the influence of Big Five Personality Traits on Job Involvement (A case study of Rane Madras Limited, Mysore)”. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship: Vol. 16, No.1(V). 1-6. UGC-CARE list Group I; IF: 4.257; ISSN: 2229-5348.
- Sangamitra Gowtham. 2019. “Work stress as a Predictor of Employee Absenteeism (A case study of J&K tyres & Industries Limited, Mysore)”. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research: Volume 6, Issue 5. 200 – 206. ISSN-2349-5162.
- Sangamitra Gowtham. 2018. “Job Involvement: A Stimulant for Employee Job Satisfaction (A case study of Rane Madras Limited, Mysore)”. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research: Volume 5, Issue 5. 73 – 79. ISSN-2349-5162.
- Sangamitra Gowtham & Shaini Ganapathi. 2018. “Personality Traits: An Influencer for Employees Job Satisfaction”. Asia Pacific Journal of Research: Volume 1, Issue LXXXV111. 83 – 87. IF:6.58. ISSN: 2320-5504.
- Sangamitra Gowtham & Aisha M Sheriff. 2017. “Gender Differences: Does it matter for Effective Work-life Balance”. Paripex – Indian Journal of Research: Volume – 6, Issue 6. 564 – 566. IF: 5.761. ISSN: 2250-1991
- Sangamitra Gowtham M J. 2017. “The Association between Work related stress and Interpersonal Relationship of Employees”. Asia Pacific Journal of Research: Volume 1, Issue L1. 81 – 85. IF: 6.58. ISSN: 2320-5504.
- Sangamitra Gowtham & Aisha M Sheriff. 2016. “Analysis of Tri Dimensional Leadership Model in Mechanistic and Organic Structure”. Asia Pacific Journal of Research: Volume 2, Issue XXXVII. 147 – 157. IF: 6.58. ISSN: 2320-5504.
- Sangamitra Gowtham & Aisha M Sheriff. 2016. “Tri Dimensional Leadership Model: Its Application in the Hierarchical Levels”. International journal of advance research in Computer science and Management studies: Volume 4, Issue 2. 74 – 80. IF: 5.47. ISSN: 2321-7782.
- Sangamitra Gowtham M J. 2015. “Motivation: A way to keep employees engaged (A case study of super markets in Mysore)”. International journal of advance research in Computer science and Management studies: Volume 3, Issue 2. 1 – 4 IF: 4.739. ISSN: 2321-7782
- Sangamitra Gowtham M J. 2014. “Role of Emotional Intelligence and Learning in Health care unit (A case study of Basappa memorial hospital, Mysore”. Galaxy International multidisciplinary research journal: volume 3 Issue II. 181 – 186. ISSN: 2278-9529
- Sangamitra Gowtham M J. 2013. “A study on work stress and Emotional Intelligence among college teachers”. Contemporary research in India: Volume 3, Issue – 2. 64-66 ISSN–2231-2137
- Sangamitra Gowtham M J. 2012. “Assessment of Emotional Intelligence”. Contemporary research in India: Volume – 2, Issue – 1. 98 – 103. ISSN–2231-2137
- T P Renuka Murthy & Sangamitra Gowtham M J. 2011.“Innovations and creativity in industries
Research paper presented
- Sangamitra Gowtham M J. 2011. “The Moral values for teachers in Management Education”. International Conference on “RE-engineering of Management Education” held at Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangotri, Mysore.