Dr. Roopesh Kumar N
Teaching Experience: 15 Years
Courses offered: Commerce, Finance, Airport Operations and Airlines’ Management
Current research interests: As the airline industry operates in a dynamic, highly competitive environment characterized by high capital expenditures, extensive regulatory requirements, and significant operational challenges, it offers numerous exciting areas of study in finance, ranging from financial performance and risk management to capital structure and financing decisions, business models and competitive strategy, regulatory environment and government policy, and consumer behavior and service quality. The unique characteristics of the industry, combined with the complex operational challenges faced, offer diverse opportunities for research and insight into a critical component of the global economy.
Another important research interest is in the stock market. As stock market is a vital component of the global economy, with significant implications for businesses, investors, and governments worldwide. Some areas of interest in stock markets include, Stock Valuation, Corporate Governance and Market Anomalies. In addition, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and data science offer new avenues for research in stock markets.
Doctoral Research: Evaluation of the financial performance of airlines involves a comprehensive analysis of various financial and operational metrics to assess their profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency, providing valuable insights for investors, stakeholders, and industry analysts. The evaluation is crucial for investors, stakeholders, and the companies themselves. Key metrics for assessing financial performance include profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency. Profitability ratios such as net profit margin and return on investment offer insights into how effectively the airline is generating profits from its operations and investments. Liquidity ratios like the current ratio and quick ratio indicate the company’s ability to meet short-term financial obligations. Solvency ratios such as debt-to-equity ratio and interest coverage ratio assess the company’s long-term financial stability and ability to service its debt. Many factors such as load factor, revenue passenger miles, and available seat miles are important operational metrics that contribute to the overall financial performance of airlines. Additionally, factors like fuel costs, labor expenses, and fleet management play a significant role in determining the financial health of airlines.
Research Experience: 13 Years
No. of publications: 10
No. of Papers presented in National/International symposia/conferences: 02
- Nodal Officer for Atal Ranking of Institutes with Innovation and Achievements (ARIIA) for SBRR Mahajana First Grade College (Autonomous), Mysuru
- Course Coordinator for Tourism and Travel Management, MOOC Course
- Teaching Assistant for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) under Swayam platform for Tourism subjects
- Developed syllabus and study material on ‘Introduction to Tourism’ for the students of short term training in Hospitality under SC-ST/TSP Programme of Department of Tourism, Government of Karnataka.
- Developed Study material on ‘Introduction to Tourism’ and ‘Principles and Practice of Management’ for one year Diploma in Hotel Management (DHM), approved by Department of Tourism, Government of Karnataka.
- Developed e-content for Consortium for Educational Communication, NME-ICT, sponsored by MHRD in Travel and Tourism at EMMRC of University of Mysore, Mysuru for the subjects including, Principles and Practice of Management, Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance, Tourism Transport, Tourism Sales and Marketing
Membership in Professional Bodies:
Select Non-Member for Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Since 2019.
Articles Published:
- Kumar, N. R. and Shreenidhi N. V. 2022. “Fundamental Analysis of Select IT Stocks Traded in NSE India”, Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, ISSN 2229 5348, 26-34.
- Kumar, N. R. and Kotreshwar G. 2021. “A study on Significance of Employee Benefits Cost and MRO Cost on Operational Performance of Select Airlines”, in Gorteria, ISSN 0017 2294. 31-37 IF: 5.3.
- Kumar, N. R. and Shreenidhi N. V. 2020. “A Study On Construction of Optimal Portfolio Using Sharpe’s Single Index Model: An Empirical Study on BSE Sensex 30 Stocks”, in Wesleyan Journal of Research, ISSN 0975 1386. 78-84.
- Kumar, N. R. and Kotreshwar G. 2020. “An Evaluation of Operational Performance of Domestic Airlines in India”, in Our Heritage, ISSN 0474 9030. 2834-2841. IF: 4.9.
- Kumar, N. R. 2019. “Airlines’ Strategic Management and Government’s Initiatives to Boost Aviation in India” Journal of Emerging Trends in Research, ISSN No. 2349 5162. IF: 7.95
- Kumar, N. R. 2018. “Cost Leadership in Airline Industry: A Special Reference to Low Cost Carriers” Asia Pacific Journal of Research, ISSN No. 2230 5504.
- Kumar, N. R. 2017. “Brexit: an Evaluation of Present and Future”, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, ISSN No.2230 5504.
- Kumar, N. R. 2016. “Significance of Domestic Tourism in India as a major Revenue Generator”, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, ISSN No.2230 5504.
- Kumar, N. R. 2015. “Aviation industry and its contribution to Indian GDP” International Journal on Contemporary Research in India, ISSN No. 2231 2137.
- Kumar, N. R. 2014. “Tourism Industry: a major source of revenue for Karnataka” in International journal, International Journal on Contemporary Research in India, ISSN No. 2231 2137.
Research Paper Presented in National and International Symposia:
- Kumar, N. R. 2021. “A Comparative Study on Impact of Passenger Service Cost, Depreciation Cost and Aircraft Rental Cost on the Operational Performance of Select Airlines”, International Conference on “Innovative Interventions for Inclusive and Sustainable Business Landscape”, Department of Management Studies, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Kumar, N. R. and Shreenidhi N. V 2020 “A Study on Construction of Optimal Portfolio Using Sharpe’s Single Index Model: An Empirical Study on BSE Sensex 30 Stocks”, Online International Conference on “Business and Education in the New Global Realities”, Jain (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru.